Dr. Yo-Han Kim BDSc (Melbourne)

Dr. Yo-Han Kim BDSc (Melbourne)







DR YO-HAN Kim grew up in Sydney and attended Fort Street High school. He then went on to graduate from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Dental Science. He has since practiced in the blue mountains region, the Hills district and in regional Sydney. Since then Dr Yo-Han has travelled extensively attending seminars, conferences and building relationships with top specialists from around the world.

His philosophy is to treat each patient as a family member and only propose treatment options that he would perform to those closest to him. Armed with the most up to date equipment and techniques in dentistry Dr Yo-Han provides patients with a complete set of treatment options for every dental need. Keeping ahead of the curve with the advancements in Orthodontics, Invisalign and Implantology he is able to give patients every option available so that they can make an informed decision to achieve the best possible outcome.

Dr. Yo-Han is also known for his gentle touch and calming personality that has ensured his patients from rural sydney, the blue mountains and the hills district come back to him for treatment time and time again.

He enjoys travelling, going to new places and meeting new people. Dr Yo-Han Kim regularly travels to remote areas around the world to treat patients who have little idea of dental care and each time finds his time invested in these regions very rewarding.